Happy Autumn


Twitter post: 20150927
Fall colours on the Canadian prairies. Happy autumn, friends.

Photo taken at Kilcona Park, within the city limits in Winnipeg.
This urban park is similar to some of the lovely city parks we enjoyed and admired in Denmark, where park stewards keep prairie grasses, bullrushes, wildflowers, and weeds growing in their natural state up to the water’s edge around small lakes situated within the urban landscape. However, lovely Kilcona Park / Harbourview is situated on the grounds of a former landfill site, and the small hill at its centre is a former garbage dump. The quality of the water is still under watch, but each year brings increased natural dissipation of residual chemicals leached from the old landfill deposits. Things keep improving, in terms of landfill management and monitoring, as cities organize themselves better in an attempt to keep chemicals out of the landfills and have toxic substances handled properly as hazardous wastes. The entire park, with its golf course, sports and recreation areas, walking paths, and the city’s largest and heavily used off-leish dog park, is a wonderful example of what can be done with former landfill sites and, in general, as an example of how to restore damaged areas as natural habitat for wildlife, diverse plant species, and waterfowl.

2 Responses so far.

  1. admin says:

    Thank you, Vivian!

  2. Vivian Shannon says:

    Gorgeous Photography.

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