The Northern Spruce Grouse

1401_167 Spruce Grouse
Spruce Grouse (Dendragapus canadensis).
Grouse family (Tetraonidae).

The handsome Spruce Grouse makes its home in northern coniferous and boreal forests across Canada. In the United States, these birds can be found in Alaska, parts of Oregon and Wyoming, and to the east into New England. However, despite their wide range, catching a glimpse of them is becoming more rare in their southern range, where their numbers have dwindled due to loss of habitat. The birds thrive in areas where the forest can support a rich undergrowth with some younger trees, smaller shrubs, and blueberries for food sources and also for protection and nesting. The natural pattern of fire and regrowth helps to sustain populations of spruce grouse in wilderness areas.

Spruce Grouse mature into fairly large adults, measuring between 38 to 43 cm high (15″ to 17”). The dark colouring of the male Spruce Grouse, seen in the accompanying photographs, is in stark contrast to the highly effective camoflauge colouring of the females. Particularly noticeable on the male bird is the red comb, above the eye. The  females and immature birds are  light brown in colour, with light brown mottling and colour bars.

When the male displays himself to the female of his species, his tale fans out into an arc. The lighter brown markings on the tips of his tail feathers become clearly visible. A few of the photographs show the undersides of his feathers.

Spruce Grouse do not show much alarm around humans, letting people approach fairly closely. In these photographs, taken in 2012 at Ontario’s Manomin Lake, the male bird flew on to a stump within three metres of the camp site. It remained for some time in plain sight, and was not overly alarmed by the activity going on around it.

*These birds are also known as: American spruce grouse, Canada grouse, fool hen, Franklin’s grouse, and spruce partridge
*Synonyms: Canachites canadensis, Tetrao canadensis.

Recommended: The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Birds, Western Region.
*Source: ARKive [ ]

Photographs: AK
Text: NK
Photo date and location: 2012-05, Lake Manomin, ON (Experimental Lakes Area)

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